For Sellers and Management Teams
Are you a business owner seeking liquidity or growth capital, or a manager leading a company that you’d like to acquire from a corporate parent or founder? We’d love to hear from you and explore how we can help. Please fill out the information below and we will reach out to you within 48 hours. Maintaining confidentiality is imperative for us – we’re happy to execute confidentiality agreements (we’ve included ours to the right).

For Intermediaries
We value long-term relationships with sell-side and buy-side advisors – relationships that extend beyond a single transaction. We’re happy to pay an attractive purchase price to invest in strong companies, and to pay success fees. If you send us an opportunity, we will respond to you with feedback within 48 hours. We are transparent and open and aren’t looking to waste anyone’s time.

General Inquiries
Interested in more information about Montage Partners? Fill out the information below or reach out to us and we will get back to you!